Welcome to our online study resources. Happy Studying 🎓

To get maximum value we suggest Grade 8s and 9s start off with Grade 8 courses and 10s to 12s start with Grade 20 courses.

WhatsApp AI Study Bots

You have access to all our study bots. If you have not yet received your access pin please email muriel@edufleek.co.za or WhatsApp 0645414911.

Here are our live bots, more are going live over the coming week. Please keep checking this Page.

Grade 8 & 9 Natural Sciences Click to WhatsApp

Grade 10 to 13 Physical Sciences Click to WhatsApp

WhatsApp ‘Study’ to kickstart our revision section. The bot will ask you a curriculum based question and feedback on your answer, giving corrections for wrong answers.

Simple WhatsApp any question you might have or your homework question and our bots will assist you. Have fun and feel free to feedback to us at anytime.